
LŌ-GOI Group-sustainability-01

Sustainability at LŌ-GOI Group

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We believe sustainability is about creating value for our stakeholders and customers while supporting the communities in which we work.

We continually strive to address material, environmental, social and governance impacts from our operations and provide ethical leadership for organisational growth and success.

ESG Framework

Environment, Social, Governance

We understand the evolving market appetite for exceptional sustainability performance. Therefore, our role is to identify ways to impact the environment and local communities positively.

We have mapped our sustainability priorities in our Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) framework, which captures both our internal ambitions and those ambitions held by our stakeholders.

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At LŌ-GOI Group, we look beyond tomorrow by planning and prioritising for long-term gains to create a better future.

Our environmental priorities support us to:

  • decarbonise our portfolios and operations,
  • mitigate climate-related risks
  • build our Group’s resilience
  • positively contribute to the planet
  • provide customers with access to renewable energy

Since 2020, all new assets have been built in accordance with our minimum green building certifications. We continue to invest time and resources into protecting nature while establishing and implementing climate risk management and disclosure frameworks.

Policies: Supplier Code of Conduct

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We want to contribute positively to people we work with, from our extended workforce and supply chain to neighbouring communities.

Ethical Supply Chain Management

We provide working environments that support human and employment rights, including health, safety and wellbeing across our supply chains. This commitment is fundamental at LŌ-GOI Asia.
Our practices align with the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact across human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. We know that by upholding essential responsibilities to people and the planet, we set everyone up for success. Our ethical supply chain management principles integrate with all business processes and are underpinned by the following policies:

  • LŌ-GOI Group Modern Slavery Policy
  • LŌ-GOI Group Work Health and Safety Policy

We encourage anyone aware of unethical or illegal practices within our supply chain to email SGleasing@logō All matters raised in good faith through this reporting channel will be handled confidentially.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)

We embrace diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace, fostering trust and mutual respect among colleagues, partners and stakeholders as the cornerstones of our growth and success.​

At LŌ-GOI Group, when forming governance bodies, we consider diversity metrics such as gender, age and international background to allow for a diverse and effective group of decision makers to lead our Committee Board and Business Unit leaders. We are committed to promoting an age-diverse workforce with gender equality and local representation.



The decisions we make today will impact the future. In 2020, LŌ-GOI Group became a signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI), demonstrating our commitment to responsible investment and a sustainable financial system.

Integrating meaningful commitments into our business and establishing transparent reporting structures allows us to demonstrate our accountability. We are working towards aligning our annual reporting structures with internationally recognised frameworks for climate-related and nature-related financial disclosures.

Global Benchmarking

GRESB is a mission-driven organisation that produces internationally recognised benchmarks to track ESG performance.

We participate in annual GRESB benchmarking across our funds under management to validate our ESG data and support our commitment to continuous improvement.

Policies: LŌ-GOI Group ESG Policy

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Future Outlook

ESG is at the heart of LŌ-GOI Group business strategy. A materiality assessment was undertaken to identify and focus on the environmental, social and governance issues most impactful to LŌ-GOI Group and our stakeholders. These topics present the greatest opportunities for leadership and guide our sustainability framework. We will continue to review and monitor changes required to meet our goals.

Environmental: Reducing our Carbon Footprint

We are committed to meeting our Net Zero target by 2030. To do so, we have introduced minimum green building standards for all new development projects and prioritise the upgrading of our existing portfolio with energy efficient features.

Social: Social Expectations driving Operational Change

Equally important in our ESG journey is taking care of the people our organisation interacts with. This would include renewed employee engagement, particularly in a post-Covid working environment, more conscientiously connecting with local communities in the development design consultation process as well as incorporating stakeholders’ feedback as part of our environmental sustainable design (ESD) guidelines.

Governance: Focus on Green Finance and Disclosure

There has been increasing emphasis on procedures and standards. LŌ-GOI Group ensures the alignment of our financial disclosures with international frameworks to enhance investor confidence and also actively promotes green leases with our customers. This increases our access to favourable finance through green loans and bonds.

ESG Achievements

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ESG Achievements

  • Solar capacity installed: ~ 10MW (2022)​
  • Assets with green building certification: 13 ​
  • Entities participating in GRESB: 16 (2022) vs 8 (2021)​
  • LŌ-GOI Asia employee workplace incidents: 0​

*All statistics are as of 31 December 2022​
*Includes only projects which have already attained the green building certifications
*Includes only entities which participated in the previous GRESB reporting cycle​
*Workplace incidents are defined as an unintended event that occurs in the course of work which resulted in injury to a LŌ-GOI Group employees

Gresb PRI Sustainable Development Goals